Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Eve Mass

With advent almost completed, Christmas is almost upon us. This year I have been asked to usher the 5:30pm Mass with some of the Questors from our Spirit Quest program. I have received 3 wonderful volunteers who will assist in the process of the service. These young people are all volunteers who are giving of themselves to the church and our St. Patrick's Parrish community. I am especially touched by the courageous efforts of our young people. They want to be part of the church and look for ways to fit in and help out. They are our future and I feel we should help them in any way we can. It is tough enough being young and subjected to the harsh realities of the world let alone new found hormones and identity struggles.

The Usher Volunteers have many duties; helping arrange the church for the service, welcoming the parishioners as they enter, assist in securing seats, helping with the collection, ensuring the Gifts arrive to Father Augusto at the Alter, ushering people for communion, passing out bulletins to the departing guests and then straightening up the pews afterwards. Whew! They are on their toes. I heartfully invite you to come to the 5:30 Mass and celebrate with us. When you see the Questors, please let them know how grateful we all are of their participation in making St. Patrick's the wonderful and welcoming place that it is.

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